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How to Train for a 10-Mile Run?

If you have run a 10K race, and you are not ready for a half marathon, the 10-mile run is a great next step for you.

The 10-mile run is not a standard road running event, but it is starting to appear more frequently on road racing calendars.

In this article, you will learn how to train for a 10-mile run and find answers to the most common questions on this topic.

Training for a 10-mile run includes a combination of different types of training. It is necessary to train 3 to 4 times a week, pay attention to adequate recovery, and do strength training. With consistency and continuity of training, the results are ensured.

How to train for a 10-mile run

How to schedule workouts in a week?

One workout a week should consist of very easy running, and you can add strides at the end.

This way you will add speed to your training and you will be better prepared for subsequent more intense workouts.

The second and third workouts of the week should consist of fartlek training, interval training, or tempo runs.

If you train 3 times a week, one day should include one of those 3 types of workouts.


Fartlek training is great both for beginners and advanced runners because of its adaptability. One of the main benefits of fartlek training is that you run by feel, without thinking about pace. That way you will break the monotony in training and add speed to your workouts without too much stress.

The fourth workout of the week should be a long run. It will improve your endurance and fatigue resistance.

Take at least one rest day between workouts.

Example of training schedule – 3 training sessions per week

MON: rest day
TUE: easy run + strength training
WED: rest day
THU: fartlek + strength training
FRI: rest day
SAT: rest day
SUN: long run

Example of training schedule – 4 training sessions per week

MON: rest day
TUE: easy run
WED: fartlek + strength training
THU: rest day
FRI: tempo run + strength training
SAT: rest day
SUN: long run

You should do strength training at least two times a week.

In addition to helping you prevent injuries, strength training will help you build the muscles you need to maintain proper running form for longer, and thus be a more efficient runner.

How to prepare for a 10-mile run?

Before going for a 10-mile run, check the weather forecast so that you can dress appropriately and choose your running gear.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink to avoid discomfort during training and prevent unnecessary stopping.


Before going for a 10-mile run, avoid fatty and hard-to-digest foods full of fiber. We are all different. By trial and error, you will discover what suits you best.

If you intend on carrying refreshments with you, prepare everything you need, be it a running gel or an isotonic drink.

If you run with a smartwatch, charge it.

If you run 10 miles as part of your long run, plan your running route. That way, you can also plan where you will put your refreshments.

For example, if you know it will be very hot, try running in the woods.

I loved doing harder long runs always on the same route that is around a lake. On that route, I had refreshments every 2 miles and I was never alone in case something happened to me.

How to prepare for a 10-mile run

How long does it take to train for a 10-mile run?

On average, it takes approximately 12 weeks of training to prepare for a 10-mile run.

Before you decide to run a 10-mile race, I advise you to follow the training plan for 10K and make the 10-mile race your next racing goal.


Patience is important in running, and results come with continuous training. Listen to your body and set realistic and achievable goals to avoid injury and overtraining.

Read more: 10 Mile Training Plan [FREE PDF]

What is the average 10-mile run time?

The average time to run 10 miles for beginners is about 1:55, which means that the average running pace is 11:30 minutes per mile.

The average time to run 10 miles for intermediate runners is about 1:09, which means that the average running pace is 6:54 minutes per mile.

Read more: How Long Does it Take to Run 10 Miles?

Is a 10-mile run enough before a half marathon?

Running 10 miles for a long run is enough if you are preparing for a half marathon.

Many runners worry about whether they will be able to run a whole half marathon since they never run that distance during training.

However, keep in mind that you do long runs from full training, without tapering. On the other hand, you come to a race fresh and full of adrenaline.

Furthermore, running in a group will also help you and further motivate you.

Can I run a marathon if I can run 10 miles?

Running 10 miles for a long run is not enough if you are preparing for a marathon.

It is recommended to make your long run approximately 20 to 25 miles long when preparing for a marathon.

When training for a marathon, long runs will not only improve your endurance but will also mentally prepare you for the exertion that awaits you, as well as improve your fatigue resistance.

Furthermore, during the long run, you can test which refreshments suit you so that there are no unpleasant surprises during the race.

What should I do a week before a 10-mile race?

In the week before a 10-mile race, reduce the amount of training and increase rest time to allow the body to recover and be in the best shape on race day.

Two workouts are important during this week. The first one is interval training at a race pace.

The second workout is done one day before the race, including around 20 minutes of running and 2 to 3 strides.

Avoid strength training the last week before a race, as well as everything else that you have not used in training so far.

How long should I rest after running 10 miles?

If you run a 10-mile long run, then you will need 24 hours to recover if you are an experienced runner, and 48 hours if you are a beginner.

If you run a 10-mile race, you need 1 or 2 rest days and 4 or 5 days of easy training.

The number of rest days and days of easy training depends on your current fitness level and the intensity at which you ran the race.

How to recover after a 10-mile run

How to recover after a 10-mile run?

After a 10-mile run, follow these tips to speed up your recovery:

1. Make sure that you cool your body down

Jog or walk for about 10 minutes and do some static stretching exercises.

Post-workout cooling speeds up the recovery process, improves body circulation, reduces heart rate and respiration, and helps lower body temperature.

It also eliminates metabolic products created during running, leading to a reduction in muscle pain and stiffness.

2. Replenish fluid and electrolytes lost through sweating

Drink water or an isotonic beverage within the first 10 to 15 minutes after a workout.

Keep in mind that you will sweat even when it is cold outside.

3. Eat a light meal about 30 minutes after training

After a long run, it is necessary to replenish glycogen stores and nourish the muscles to restore them and speed up the recovery process.

4. Take a hot/cold shower

Alternating between temperatures while you shower improves blood circulation, helps reduce inflammation, and helps muscle recovery.

5. Go for a massage

Massage reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation.

Read more: 6 Things What Not to Do After a Long Run


Matea Matošević

Hi, I’m Matea! I’m an Olympic Marathon Runner, founder, and writer behind OLYRUN.com. On this site, I provide help in the form of my knowledge and experience to all who love running and active living. Read more…