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73 Running Jokes to Keep You Moving and Smiling

Humor is a powerful tool in making the running experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Running can sometimes be challenging, so a good laugh can alleviate stress and tension.

Engaging with jokes provides a mental break, especially during long runs or tough workouts.

It can distract runners from fatigue, helping them focus on something positive and enjoyable, making the run seem less arduous.

In this article, I’ve compiled 73 running jokes that are sure to fuel your miles with laughter and make your running experience more enjoyable.

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Laughter is indeed the best medicine, and these running jokes are the perfect prescription for any runner.

So, lace up those running shoes, hit the track, and don’t forget to share a good laugh with your fellow runners

1. After all, in the world of running, a mile is always better with a smile!

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2. What do you get when you run behind a car? Exhausted!

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3. Why did the scarecrow become a long-distance runner? He was outstanding in his field!

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4. What did one running shoe say to the other? “You go ahead, I’ll catch up!”

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5. What did the running shoe say to the other shoe? “You’re fantastic! I feel great when I’m with you, always on the right track!”

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6. What do you call a fast insect? A sprinter!

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7. What do you call a fast zombie? A zom-brrrrrr!

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8. What do you call a group of musical runners? Jogging bands!

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9. What do you call a race between two rows of vegetables? A cornfield sprint!

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10. What do you call a race where every contestant finishes at the same time? A tie!

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11. What do you call a race where two athletes flirt with each other? A funning race!

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12. What do you call a race where you have to carry a bed while running? A mattress race!

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13. What do you call a running group that’s into baking? The Gingerbread Sprinters!

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14. What do you get if you run in front of a car and also behind a car? Exhausted and tired!

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15. What do you get when you cross a runner and a computer? A great marathoner, because they always follow the right algorithm!

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16. What do you get when you run behind a car? Exhausted!

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17. What do you get when you run in front of a car? Tired.

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18. What do you say to your friend when they want to quit running? “Jog on, you can do it!”

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19. What’s a ghost’s favorite race? The soul mile!

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20. What’s a runner’s favorite type of fish? The sole! (Because they love running on their soles!)

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21. What’s a runner’s favorite type of math? Jog-ometry!

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22. What’s a runner’s favorite type of music? Jogging beats!

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23. What’s a skeleton’s least favorite room in the house? The living room – because it’s full of runners!

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24. What’s a zombie’s favorite type of race? A dead heat!

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25. Why did the computer go for a run? It had too many bytes and needed to shed a few bits!

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26. Why did the cross-country runner bring a ladder to the race? He heard the course was over his head!

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27. Why did the cross-country runner bring a map to the race? In case they got lost in the land of the PBs!

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28. Why did the marathon runner go to therapy? To work on his ‘jogged’ memory!

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29. Why did the runner bring a dictionary to the race? To improve his vocabulary during the ‘jog’!

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30. Why did the runner bring a ladder to the race? To reach the high points of the course!

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31. Why did the runner bring a pencil to the race? To draw the finish line!

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32. Why did the runner bring a stopwatch to the bakery? To time his ‘rolls’!

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33. Why did the runner bring string to the marathon? To tie the record!

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34. Why did the runner bring sugar to the race? To sweeten the finish line!

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35. Why did the runner carry a pen and paper during the race? To draw first blood!

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36. Why did the running shoe always get invited to parties? Because it had great sole!

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37. Why did the running shoe apply for a job? It wanted to be a sneak-er agent!

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38. Why did the running shoe break up with the high heels? It couldn’t stand the ‘heeling’!

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39. Why did the running shoe break up with the sock? It found a better ‘sole’ mate!

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40. Why did the running shoe start a band? Because it had great ‘sole’ music!

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41. Why did the scarecrow become a long-distance runner? He was outstanding in his field!

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42. Why did the scarecrow get a medal? Because he was outstanding in his ‘field’ of dreams!

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43. Why did the scarecrow join a running club? To learn the ropes and straw-tch his limits!

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44. Why did the scarecrow start running marathons? To prove he had the ‘guts’ for it!

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45. Why did the scarecrow start running? He heard it was a great way to get a little ‘hay’ in shape!

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46. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, just like a great runner!

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47. Why did the skeleton start running? To prove it had the ‘mettle’ for marathons!

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48. Why did the tomato turn red during the race? It saw the salad dressing… and got embarrassed!

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49. Why did the tortoise start running? To prove that slow and steady wins the race… and gets in shape!

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50. Why do runners always have great parties? They know how to break the ice with a good warm-up!

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51. Why do runners always seem so calm? Because they know how to pace themselves!

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52. Why do runners always seem so Zen? Because they find their inner pace!

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53. Why do runners love nature? Because it’s always a great place to take a ‘jog’!

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54. Why do runners love to dance? Because they have great ‘footwork’!

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55. Why do runners love to travel? Because they always enjoy the extra mileage!

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56. Why do runners make terrible bankers? They always lose interest!

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57. Why do runners make terrible comedians? Because their jokes always seem to ‘run’ away from them!

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58. Why do runners make terrible librarians? Because they always lose their ‘pace’!

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59. Why do runners make terrible magicians? Because they always reveal their ‘cardio’!

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60. Why do runners make terrible secret agents? They can never stop jogging someone’s memory!

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61. Why don’t runners ever get bored? Because they always find new ‘soles’ to explore!

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62. Why don’t runners ever get cold in the winter? Because they always wear their jogging suits!

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63. Why don’t runners ever get lost? They always find their whey!

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64. Why don’t runners ever get mad? They always take things in stride!

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65. Why don’t runners ever get sunburned? They always wear ‘jogging suits!

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66. Why don’t runners ever get tired of running jokes? Because they always find them a-muse-ing!

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67. Why don’t runners ever tell secrets on the track? Because they always get overtaken!

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68. Why don’t runners play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you always leave a trail of sneakers behind!

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69. Why don’t runners trust stairs? Because they’re always up to something!

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70. Why was the marathon runner always happy? Because he knew how to pace himself in the race of life!

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71. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many “problems.” Just like runners, they can’t avoid the math of pacing!

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72. Why was the running shoe always the life of the party? Because it had great sole!

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73. Even after the heart surgery, the marathon runner was setting the pace for this marathon. Guess this is why he had a pacemaker.

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Laughter is indeed the best medicine, and these running jokes are the perfect prescription for any runner.

So, lace up those running shoes, hit the track, and don’t forget to share a good laugh with your fellow runners.

After all, a mile is always better with a smile!


Matea Matošević

Hi, I’m Matea! I’m an Olympic Marathon Runner, founder, and writer behind OLYRUN.com. On this site, I provide help in the form of my knowledge and experience to all who love running and active living. Read more…